It’s amazing how infatuated we have become with a silly TV show, and in only 5 days. I came home from our post-evacuation celebration dinner at Mely’s and watched two Firefly episodes that I just watched three days ago. (The first go-round, we saw them all out of order. Now I’m watching them in the intended order. It does make more sense that way.) I guess this is the part where I admit that I’m hooked on the series. When Gavin and Jason first told me about it I had serious doubts. But they were right…this time, anyway.
And the theme song won’t get out of my head.
Today I’m back at work after our unexpected 3.5 days of vacation. We’re allowed to chalk up half of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and yesterday to “excused leave” since the center was officially closed. The evacuation did have the negative effect of cancelling my trip to JPL though. I was supposed to leave last night and be there through Thursday, but the trip was cancelled (or at least postponed) on Sunday night after the number of people pulling out for evacuation and return-related reasons reached critical mass. I’m a bit disappointed, because some of the tours we were going to do sounded really cool, and I was looking forward to seeing if anything of substance would come out of our meeting.
The consolation prize is that I’m still scheduled to go to JPL next week for the Mars review. At least I still get to make it out there sometime, although next week there won’t be any baseball games to see and stadiums to visit. Sad.
I have a lot of homework to do this week for my class, so I’ll be busy with that. I plan to run tonight, but it is amazingly hot outside — 95 degrees with a heat index of 104 is a bit extreme for late September, even in Houston. I’ll do the treadmill or elliptical instead. I gathered up my courage and stepped on the scale this morning for the first time in a week and was pleasantly surprised to find out that I miraculously did not gain any weight from eating all Meg’s good food over the weekend.
And life goes on…
While I was sitting around the house after ankle surgery last Spring, I got addictted to Smallville. I rented all 4 seasons from Netflix and watched them straight through for hours and hours. Now I can’t wait for the premier this Thursday. And I hate TV. Dunno!
i did go for a run last night, and man was that a mistake. it was freaky hot and humid, no wind..and after only 2.9 miles (the length of mem. loop) i woke up with legs of lead. joy. i WILL NOT blame this on age. NEVER.