I got tagged by Becca.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
* Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
* Run another marathon
* Have something “significantly” published
* Get married (I hope, anyway)
* See Mt. Everest
* Visit all 30 baseball parks (16 down, 14 to go)
* Make a major career change
7 things I can do:
* Read an entire US road atlas in one sitting and not get bored
* Play the flute
* Make dinner entirely out of canned foods (thanks Dad)
* Wait patiently to leave an airplane (instead of crowding the aisle as soon as the plane stops moving)
* Sing along to REM’s “It’s The End of the World As We Know It”
* Roll my tongue
* Sit in front of a computer for 10 hours straight working on photos or websites
7 things I cannot do:
* Sit in front of a computer for 2 hours straight working on trajectory sims
* Write poetry
* Resist upgrading from a perfectly good piece of technology to the latest and greatest
* Run strong when it’s hot outside
* Give blood without almost fainting
* Throw a ball farther than ~40 feet
* Keep plants alive
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
* Sense of humor
* Intelligence
* Sarcasm and/or wit
* Spontaneity
* Geekiness/dorkiness
* Lanky/skinny frame (I don’t like muscle-heads)
* Independence
7 things I say most often:
* Dude.
* Rock.
* Anyway…
* Does it have lots of explosions and shiny things?
* Enough about that, let’s talk about pumas.
* What?
* If you do that, I’ll kick you.
7 celebrity crushes:
* Lance Armstrong
* Adam Everett
* the head of my directorate at work (purely a platonic crush)
* …I guess I don’t have seven.
7 people I want to do this:
* Becca already tagged a bunch of people, so I’ll just say anyone who wants to. Katie will probably do it. Laurie or Cassie? Or Carter, Christina, or Chris, though I’m not sure many of them are the meme type.
I want to climb Kilamanjaro too but that requires 1) getting in much better shape and 2) saving up money to pay for it.
I’ll come to Africa with you. You can climb above the “death zone” and I’ll go see Victoria Falls (on my list).
Lazy version:
7 things I plan to do before I die:
* 7 continents (4 down)
* Visit all 30 baseball parks (18 or so to go)
* Write a book
* Make a CD
* Make a movie
ok I’m tired now.