Nick is on his way to Uganda for two weeks. The boy has never even been camping, but he’s going to Uganda. We really should have pooled our money to send someone else with him just to document the trip. I doubt that imagination can even do it justice.
This morning I had email from Nick from the airplane. While extremely cool, it does raise questions about his ability to function without technology.
Nick: Phone, e-mail, video game system and 100 movies at each seat. This ‘roughing it’ thing is easy I’ve watched like 3 movies, had 2 meals and slept for hours, and we’ve still got 2 hours to go. Turkey is pretty.
Me: Perhaps you should cut the cord now. There will be no air email in Uganda.
Nick: WHAT! Will there be a Starbucks?
Me: Oh, well, yeah. They’re everywhere. Squat toilets, but no worries, you can still enjoy your white chocolate mocha.
Sheesh. I really hope he doesn’t die, or otherwise cause an international incident. I can’t wait to hear about it when he gets back.
Last night Sean’s wife brought their 4-week-old to the softball game. Everyone is freaking having babies. Tracy is about to burst (she’s due within a month). Hilary is pregnant now too. Jen and Gavin make no secret of wanting babies as soon as possible now that STS-121 is finally on the horizon. I don’t feel strongly either way about having kids, but I do feel like I missed out on some sort of memo. “Get married, buy a house, start having babies.” That one didn’t get delivered to me.
In a few years, it’ll just be me, Becca and Cari (and maybe Jason) sitting around being bitter about being single. Sigh.
The Astros won last night and everybody else chasing them (the Marlins, Phillies, and Nationals, at the moment) lost, so they’ve got a 2.5 game lead in the Wild Card race this morning. Crossing my fingers they can hold on to it for another month and a half!
Nah. If I get too bitter, I’ll just quit my job and move to Seattle and seduce Irwin.
I don’t think there’d be much seducing involved… (Hi, Irwin!) Anyway, he’s looking good these days, now if only you could convince him that the outdoors can be fun…
I liked the old Irwin just fine, though the new one is nice too. Its more the outdoors and traveling thing that were the problems…
Hey what about me? I want to be part of the bitter club.
Alright, Jen, you’re in!
I am not bitter, but I do think I missed the memo…
Yay, seduce Irwin!
I don’t mind the outdoors thing. It’s the long hike uphill thing, though the new Irwin didn’t mind that so much. The out of breath thing happens a lot less now. Just gotta get over the stabbing shin splint pain…
Next year, Australia and Japan, let’s go!
I’ll believe it when I see it.