The Houston Running Bloggers, or Houston Blogging Runners, met up yesterday morning at Run the Woodlands for the bi-weekly 5K. It was masterminded by Jon, who really brought us all together in the first place. I wasn’t able to be there because I was crewing for the Ballunar Festival, but I hope to make the next one!
As for running, well, it’s about time I got back to being active. I’m disgusted that I’ve gained 10 pounds in the past year, much of those put on post-marathon and at least 3 of them added in the past month as my level of exercise activity has dropped to basically zero. NOT GOOD.
I want to run the Houston Half Marathon in January and at this point will be starting basically from scratch again as far as my distance running abilities go. I would like to do the 10-Miler in October again but am not sure if 6 weeks is enough time to get ready for it. Same with the 20K also in October. We will see.
What I do know is that this week I’ve got to start getting back on the horse. It won’t be easy — and Wednesday night I’m leaving for a trip to Seattle for the Labor Day weekend — but since that trip involves a lot of hiking, it’ll be ok. But I’ve got to start running again.
I am sure you will get back to your running soon enough. Let me know what your projected time for the half is going to be-maybe we can try to start together!
You haven’t lost as much as you think you have. Stop beating yourself up.
we’ll be getting back into it together- perhaps if you aren’t ready for the half you can do the 5k with me