As I walked in from the dark parking lot just now, I realized who would make the ideal night shift flight controller — zombies! They never get tired.
Unlike Sunday night, I had no trouble falling asleep last night, at 8:30 no less. My alarm was set for 3, but Becca called at 1:30 to say that they were about to wave off the landing. I stumbled out to the couch and dozed there watching NASA TV until they did indeed wave off just after 2 a.m. Probably best, as I realized only after Becca expressed some concern over me not being there for the planned deorbit burn just after 3 that in yesterday’s haze Rich and I had planned to meet too late.
Back into bed I tumbled until my alarm woke me at 3:50. Called Rich, and we hadn’t waved off yet, so I started to get ready. Ten minutes later, we waved off the second KSC opportunity. Sigh. Becca called to let me know, but seeing as how I was already up and dressed, here I am.
We will be landing at Edwards this morning, with its always clear desert weather. Deorbit burn in about an hour and a half and landing at 7:12 CDT. After that, I’m gonna see who I can round up for a trip to IHOP.
7:35 a.m. Update: Welcome home Discovery. Good to have you back.