After the sessions ended for today, Gavin and I ran 3.6 miles (according to the Google Maps Pedometer) along the Embarcadero here in San Francisco and it was one of the loveliest runs of my life. I wasn’t wearing a watch or timing myself, but I think we ran for about 40 minutes. I was slightly surprised to see 3.6 miles, but I guess that’s possible. My legs and ankles were very stiff at first, and it was a struggle. But the last couple miles felt good; my breathing calmed and my legs stopped aching and while I could have used some bodyglide, life was good.
I have lost a lot of fitness (as well as gained about 5 pounds) in the past month and a half, which makes me sad. I’ve got to get back on track and get active again!
It was my first run in…I don’t even know how long. It felt pretty good! Granted, a lot of that happy feeling is due to being able to run in gorgeous sunny, breezy, cool weather along the San Francisco Bay, watching sea gulls and sailboats and tourists and streetcars.
Life is good.
I’ve been thinking about trying short runs again. I’d been having knee pain after the second mile. I also have put on a few. It’s depressing!
what the heck is bodyglide? it does not sound ike something you would use running. definately sounds like it has other uses. ; )
I’m sure you could come up with other uses… Anyway, it’s like vaseline in a deoderant container. Prevents uncomfortable chafing. I could have used some this weekend in Yosemite as well, to prevent the 4 lovely blisters I now have on my feet.
Once I started getting to five miles I began having some serious nipple irritation. I am moderately hairy guy so maybe I need to shave. Or maybe I need some of this magical stuff.