I’ve been reading the blog of a former coworker now spending time in Paris, and he had a great bit today:
“I discovered a new church, a gothic cathedral practically hidden by the surrounding apartment buildings, next to the gym. It is named “Saint Merri” for a famous French abbot. The church was built in 1550 and has stained glass and oil paintings from the 13th century. It is a completely forgotten church – there isn’t even a parish there anymore, just a weekly gathering of Catholic “modernists” who gather to support Human Rights. In any other city this cathedral, complete with flying buttresses and classic gothic architecture, would be a jewel. In Paris it is a forgotten unused storage space with some renegade liberals running an outreach program.”
Ah. I need to get out of the country. I went abroad for the first time in 2001. This year will be the first year since that I haven’t left the U.S. at least once. It’s a bit sad. Perhaps I’ll find a cheap cruise to Mexico or something this fall.
Oh, and my laptop is already kitted, built, and in testing phase. Next comes boxing, and shipping. Whee!
becca says
who’s blog is this?
i wanna go to Europe! Cari and I have been talking a whirlwind Thanksgiving trip – 5 days in the cheapest country we can get to.