This very cool photo got forwarded to me this morning:
Launch is currently no earlier than Saturday. Or Monday. Or Sunday. I don’t really know, as I’ve heard all three from different sources including a GNC, a FDO, and the news. Sadly it doesn’t really affect me because I have nothing to do with the launch, and indeed, nothing to do with the mission. I’m glad that that will soon change when I begin training for a flight control position!
Softball was cancelled last night after we finally got some heavy rain. It must have rained a fair amount overnight as well, because I remember waking up a couple times and hearing it. We certainly need the rain, cool things off and make the grass green again. I have no big plans for the weekend. I’ve already mentioned that I’m running the Lunar Rendezvous Run tomorrow, but other than that…nothing. I can’t shake the nagging feeling that I was supposed to have plans, though, so if I’m supposed to do something with you, you better remind me.
I have been getting hit hard by the blog comment spammers lately. I could call them some really nasty names, and talk about how I just had to spend 5 minutes deleting their “online casino!” spams from my database. But instead, I will talk about how lovely the Movable Type Blacklist plugin is, because it flagged the suspicious comments and thus made them all much easier for me to delete.
What’s interesting about the spammers is that they are totally doing at least some content scanning. When I was talking about everyone’s wedding showers, I kept getting spam for discount diamond rings. And when I talk about my house, I get about a million sketchy home equity/mortgage lenders.
i get the same online casino crap! but then i also get some of the commenters that leave messages like “what an informative website! i learned alot from reading your blog!”.
i’m like “yeah, right! what did you learn… orlando bloom has a twin named orlondo?”.
The thing I don’t understand is why it comes in cycles… for instance, at this very moment I’m getting hit by at least one per minute. How do they do it? How to they automate it? What’s the point???