I’m in a C++ class all week. I have high hopes for it, since it’s something that would be quite useful for me to know since all of our Mars code is being transitioned from Fortran. However, I often have high hopes for JSC computer classes that don’t pan out; they cover material that is too basic, or move too slowly. Since I basically know zero C++ though, a basic slow class may be ok this time. We shall see.
My weekend was full of nothing. Seriously, nothing. On Saturday after missing the 5K because I overslept (GRR!), I don’t think I left the apartment all day. I watched the Tour de France — multiple times — and finished reading Lance Armstrong’s War (primarly about the buildup and riding of the 2004 Tour) so that I could start Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I’m only about 7 chapters into it, so Becca and Cari, no spoilers!
Yesterday I spent forever on the phone. Ok, not forever, but something like 3 hours, which is a lot for me, and made my ear hurt. Almost two of those hours were with Carter, helping him make a few changes to his blog, get the archives working again, and get a gallery set up (though he has not managed to put any photos in it yet). I love pointing out that he is a certified, degree-holding Computer Scientist who can’t make his blog do what he wants…except for the fact that I think he probably could if he wanted to do it himself, and the other fact that he understands way more about the back end of web stuff than I do.
While not on the phone, I watched a bunch more Tour de France — multiple times again — and finally got around to rebuilding the photo collage that I had in my old apartment that I had never replicated in my current digs. Yesterday I finally did, spurred on by the need to organize and clean that I’ve felt since learning that Kent is coming to visit in two weeks. It looks awesome. I have an array of photos from all my cool trips, and a panorama of Machu Picchu in the middle. Woo!
Carter’s Dad taught him that the best resource for every question is always a person. The research takes two days, the phone call, two hours, or sometimes, two minutes!
Ah, so it’s *your* fault that my ear started hurting from holding the phone against it!