I just went down to the Starbucks kiosk in the cafeteria to get a drink. While waiting on mine to be prepared, I was treated to 5 minutes of bitching and moaning by the woman who’d been in line behind me, complaining because the way the Starbucks kiosk makes her Creamice is not the exact same was that the real Starbucks makes a Frappachino. “The real Starbucks does it this way,” she haughtily said. The woman manning the register tried to explain how the kiosk makes it, due to the way the supplies are received from wherever they come from. Finally the customer huffed and puffed and pouted “fine, just make it whatever way you usually do, I don’t want to waste any more of my time.”
It’s one thing for the customer to make sure they get what they want, but I have very little patience or sympathy for customers who are unnecessarily rude to those trying politely to serve them. Lady, if you’re unsatisfied with the way the JSC Cafeteria makes your fake Frappachino, then go to the freaking Starbucks down the road and get one that’s been made the “right” way. The rest of us are just glad to have a place on site that will make us a mocha and charge us a bit less than Starbucks, even if it’s not quite the same.
Agreed. The Cafe Starbucks isn’t very good, but I don’t expect it to be either. Why complain? Its just the way it is.
Welcome to the world of customer service my friend. Try being the person who was waiting on that lady for dinner.