Happy We-Landed-On-The-Moon Day! (Make sure you zoom all the way in for the full effect.)
I read an article yesterday about concerns that Google may be too-knowledgeable. Between Google, Blogger, Gmail, and all the cool new stuff they are developing, they are in a position to know a lot of information about the people who use their services. I guess it’s a valid concern, but on the other hand, they keep churning out such damn cool stuff that I don’t really care if they know about me.
Of course that’s probably how 1984 starts, right? (No, I’ve never actually read the book.)
Last night we went to Mely’s for the last time with Jo. The last time before the next last time anyway. See, this is already the second “last” dinner Jo has ever had at Mely’s, and I’m sure there will be more. She’s off to Minneapolis today to begin training to be a flight attendant. Good luck Jo!
Work continues to be ok one hour, and sucky the next. I’m just trying not to crack up entirely. I skipped the C++ class yesterday afternoon to take care of a bunch of stuff at the office (including restarting my sims, which went down when they had to reboot the system, just my luck) but am back in the class this morning about to go through chapter 7 of the book.
I have about 250 pages to go in Harry Potter. I better not plan to do anything tonight; I think I’m at the point where if I continue to read there’s no hope of me putting it down before the end.
Very cool: high resolution scans of the moon landing pictures, stitched together to make quicktime VR environments of the moon landing sites…