Whew. This vacation is passing far too quickly for my tastes!
The days have been filled with working out, running countless errands with Mom (which isn’t as dull as it sounds; we have a lot of fun), doing last-minute wedding preparation, and social events. Leave it to my generally non-social, improper, ill-mannered family to have a pre-wedding week filled with dinners, garden parties, and luncheons!
Joel’s mother, best man Chris, and Chris’s fiance arrived on Monday and came over to the house for dinner. We had these pork kebabs that Mom was making for the first time and they were really yummy. The rest of Joel’s family (father, and brothers Carl and Neal) arrived in town yesterday and we all had dinner out at the Yoder’s house on Lake Wylie. The Yoders were kind enough to volunteer their lakehouse as a hotel for Joel’s family while they’re here. The adults chatted while the “kids” played a lot of Battle Tetris and … some game that’s name escapes me at the moment. Sort of like Taboo and hot potato combined.
At the moment we’re about to head over to the Easts for a garden dinner party thrown by Mrs. East, the mother of Caroline, one of Katie’s bridesmaids. I’ve heard that her garden is something to behold, so I’m expecting great things.