Softball got cancelled last night. Softball tends to get cancelled a lot, since apparently we can’t play if the fields have had even a DROP of water on them within three days before the game. It’s a bit annoying.
So Cari is buying my 10D. I am always hesitant to sell things to friends; is that weird? And my hesitancy goes up with the cost of the item. I guess my worry is just that if all of a sudden the item were to break, I’d feel bad about it. But I don’t anticipate that happening, and it’s way easier to sell to Cari than to do the eBay thing.
I have a few things on tap for the weekend…let’s see…there is a party after work today to celebrate the recent management shuffle (my branch chief moved up to deputy division chief, another branch chief moved over to my branch), so that should be entertaining. Though at the last party, the old division chief (now retired) did a keg stand, and I think the chances of that happening again are slim to none. After the party, if it winds down at a reasonable hour, I am thinking of heading over to Kemah. They are having fireworks at 9:30 every Friday this month, and I’d like to try to get some photos.
Tomorrow morning Debbie and I are running the Summer Kickoff 5K in League City. I’ve thought about running this race every year, because it’s one of the few that are held less than 10 miles from my apartment (thus meaning I don’t have to drive half an hour to get there!), but for various reasons I’ve never done it before. Should be fun, even though I’m not expecting much in the way of a fast time!
Tomorrow night is a bday party, and then I don’t have anything scheduled for Sunday…at least I don’t think so.