So I’ve been passed something called the musical baton, thanks to Laurie, my Houston photoblogging friend. Here goes.
Total volume of music files on my computer:
Well, I am in Charlotte right now and my computer is of course in my apartment in Houston, so I can’t look up exactly how much. So we’ll go with my iPod. I have the 10GB version which currently is full of as much as I could fit on there: 9.2 GB, 2193 songs. I probably have another 4-5 GB on my computer that won’t fit on my iPod. I’m just waiting for the hard drive on the iPod to die so I can get a bigger one.
Last CD I bought:
Momentary Setback, Marc Broussard. I just bought it a couple weeks ago, otherwise I would have had a seriously difficult time remembering the last time I bought an actual CD. I buy most of my music off iTunes now.
Song playing right now:
Nothing at the moment. If I were at work, I’d certainly be listening to something to distract myself, but I’m on vacation baby! To give a half answer to this one, lately I’ve been listening to new albums by Marc Broussard, Rob Thomas, and Green Day, among many other playlists.
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
“Carolina in my Mind” by James Taylor because I’m a Carolina girl at heart. For me, this is #1 by a landslide.
“Have You Seen Me Lately” by Counting Crows, because it calms me down when I’m anxious or upset. Specifically, the version from the blue disc of the Across a Wire two-disc set.
“Leaving Town” by Dexter Freebish, because it became the anthem of my angst-ridden senior year of college.
“Sand in my Shoes” by Dido, because it is so true. Life was better before “I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away / from the roads where the cars never stop going through the night / to a life where I can watch the sunset / and take my time.” Ignorance is bliss.
“Ave Maria” by David Bisbal, despite the fact that it is a cheesy dance/club number, because after it gets stuck in your head at 4 a.m. on your way to start hiking the Inca Trail, the song kinda grows on you, and forevermore reminds you of fantastic travels.
Passing the baton to:
My sister, enjoying her last three days of bachelorette-ness.
Becca, because she loves blog games and quizzes as much as I do.
Jo, because she’ll probably list some Hawaiian music and we can all expand our musical horizons.
Dude, you found that Ave Maria song? I *need* to get a copy of it from you!