It is steamy outside. Hot. Sticky. I can’t stand it. You can’t do anything in this kind of weather except sit around in the shade and cool of an air-conditioned building. Breathing the air is hard, because you’re slightly afraid you might drown. I have no problem with Houston: the city. It’s Houston: the climate that needs to change.
Work continues to be, well, work. Often I feel like I am talking to a brick wall. I talk, but no one listens to my concerns. Every day I think about doing other things. I’ve lost patience, I’ve lost motivation, and I don’t really know what to do about it. On Sunday, one of the models at the photo class I took commented on how cool it must be to work at NASA. I just smiled and said “yeah.”
Today I get to take two papers (well, one paper and one abstract) through the export control process. Both should have gone through months ago, so I expect to get yelled out and I am not looking forward to it at all.
HOWEVER. On Saturday I get to go home and spend a glorious week away from Houston and away from work and having lots of fun with my sister’s wedding! Hurrah. I have a lot to do between now and then including: finding/ordering silver sandals, making sure I have enough cute dressy outfits for all the wedding lunches and dinners, cleaning my apartment, preparing photos for the Katie/Joel reception poster thing, and attempting to camoflage my unsightly farmer’s tan lines before getting in the bridesmaid dress.
mmm. so hot you can’t move. now THAT’S nice weather. Way to make me jealous. on the bright side, it was 95 degrees in south Georgia yesterday…