I never feel as interested in updating my blog when I’m home. Something about being on vacation, I guess. Whenever I’m here, it seems like I’ve put my life on pause and as such, can just flow through the days.
Let’s see. First of all, the weather is lovely here. I’ve been told that it cooled down from the heat of last week, but all I know is that here it is nice, and when I left Houston, Houston was not nice. So I am enjoying the weather.
My flight home on Saturday was uneventful, and I arrived home in time to meet Katie and two of her friends for a “bachelorette” dinner before they went out for the night. Yesterday morning we all went to church, then spent a lazy afternoon running errands and taking batting practice. Brian played in his first work softball game last night and wanted some practice. Our first trip down the park ended after about 5 minutes when the lightning and thunder scared us back to the safety of the house. Katie and Joel and I headed out to the Sports Authority where they bought gloves to replace theirs that have mysteriously disappeared, and I bought a bat (I’d been meaning to for a while anyway). By the time we got home, the storm had passed so we headed back down to the park. We all took turns hitting and catching, some of us (Joel, Katie and Brian) with more success than others (me). Joel is the best athlete of the group, and hit 11 balls over the fence. Eleven!
Today I picked up my bridesmaids dress, altered and ready to go. I’m not totally happy with it because one of the straps is still a bit loose. The lady looked at it and said if she took it up any more, it wouldn’t be even with the other strap. She was right, so I didn’t have her do anything else, but it’s still annoying. Whenever I see people having to pull up their dress straps, I always think that they should have just gotten something that fit right! Now I’m going to be that person. Maybe one of my shoulders is just not level or something. Who knows.
Katie and I went for a run this afternoon at 2:30. It was hot, but not too bad. I can’t imagine going for a run at 2:30 in Houston without ending up in the hospital with heatstroke. After running I mowed the backyard. It was strange; I must be one of the only people in the world who has only mowed the lawn a dozen times or so in my life, if that. My mom loves doing that particular chore, and so I’d never really done it. The backyard is tough to mow! It’s two levels with a hill in the middle and full of all sorts of weird corners and turns.
Ah, off to relax some more.
I think one of your shoulders is TOTALLY lower than the other. Freak. :p Glad to hear you’re having fun. Houston isn’t too humid this week, but still hot.
No doubt you’ll get this a lot, but you can come mow our yard any time you like.
My brother ran a lawn-mowing business when we were young. I’ve *never* mowed our lawn. I don’t know if I’d know how.
I had to ask my mom how to mow the lawn! You know, like “where do I start?” It took me about 45 minutes. Our backyard is tricky — the top level is nice and rectangular and flat but the bottom level is all hilly and oddly-shaped.
Chrissy never mows the lawn, b/c her dad was obsessive about it.
Sarah – are you doing that running to train for the Peachtree? I ran 4 yesterday, and 5 today…