Yesterday Gavin, Cari and I went to the Humane Society to look at dogs. I’m still interested in getting one, despite getting a less-than-thrilled reaction from my parents over the weekend. (“Are you sure you want a dog? You’re never home. What will you do with it when you travel?”) Anyway. I think it’s just because my parents have never had a dog, at least not as adults. Of course that means I’ve never had one either. Which is the source of all the indecision.
Anyway, there were three dogs I looked at at the Humane Society. The first was a small brown female chihuahua that was totally a lap dog. You couldn’t even squat without her trying to climb onto your legs. It was cute at first, but then I realized that if I don’t have a curious dog, I won’t like it as much. Then we played with another male rat/fox terrier (like the one at the Houston Pound), about two years old. For the first 10-15 minutes he wanted nothing to do with us, preferring instead to sniff everything in sight. Finally he started to realize that there were people there and that we wanted to play with him, and he rolled over to have his belly rubbed and played with the squeaky ball. He was cute and energetic, and not yappy as opposed to the one at the Pound.
So I went inside to put in an application for him, and that’s when I spotted a little black female chihuahua mix that was the embodiment of what I would have described if you’d asked me a month ago what kind of dog I wanted. She was sooo adorable. She was still being treated for mange and she is scared of people, but the volunteers have been working with her to get her more socialized. She’d be challenging to have at first, being so skittish. She already had one application in or I would have snapped her up immediately. So instead I ended up with one application on the terrier and another second application on the little black chihuahua. Which only adds to my indecisiveness, because while I liked the terrier, I wonder if I should wait until I find another little black chihuahua!
Anyway. This afternoon we’ll hit the Pasadena Pound and see what they have.