My dad said over the weekend as I was fretting about whether I’d made the right choice in getting a dog that he remembered when he and mom brought me home from the hospital. The first night he wasn’t sure if he should go to sleep. “You were a helpless baby, even more helpless than a dog, and we were about to go to sleep for 6-8 hours,” said Dad. “What if you needed us?? I wasn’t sure if I should go to bed!”
I feel very similar with this dog. What if he needs me? What if I am not playing with him enough? What if he is not getting enough attention? I didn’t really believe it when people said having a dog is practically like having a kid, but now I do.
I laughed when Dad mentioned sleep for 6-8 hours with a new baby in the house. “Didn’t I wake you up crying?” I wondered. Dad sheepishly smiled and said “Well yeah, but your Mom took care of that.”
When we brought my daughter home from the hospital I was horrified at the prospect of putting her in the car. Is it safe? Go slow! what is UP with these other drivers? Don’t they know I have a BABY IN HERE?!?!
A dog does take a lot of care. But not nearly as much as a baby. I mean, if you wanted to go to the movies, you can just put your dog in a cage and leave. Just try that with a baby and see how fast until the police come!
Ah, yes, the hyper-sensitivity that results from taking on responsibility for the life of another being. I’ve pretty much calmed down about the dogs after three years. Looking forward to freaking out about a baby in the hopefully not-so-distant future.
I’m looking forward to not freaking out about my dog. And NOT freaking out about your kid because I will be able to give him/her back to you at the end of the day, hyped up on chocolate and doughnuts! Heh, heh.