I am in Atlanta. Of course with a computer and internet right here in Katie’s room, I could not resist using it. Also, we’re just sort of hanging out at the moment waiting for Mom, Dad, David and Brian to come to campus so we can go have dinner at Katie’s friend’s house.
It is a bit weird being back on campus. I haven’t actually walked around in a while, and I definitely feel…removed. Campus is different now, the students are younger, as is to be expected. There are so many new buildings that weren’t here four years ago. And walking around, I have so many memories of things that happened, conversations I had here and there. At the same time, I realize how some of the things that seemed so important and so crucial to me while I was on campus really weren’t that big a deal. Four years later, I wonder why I got so worked up about the small stuff. Why did I spend hours and days agonizing about things that faded away once I left? Who knows.
If only I’d known then what I know now. What’s that saying about hindsight?
My flight this morning was uneventful, and when I got to the rental car place I discovered that my “compact car” turned out to be a brand new Mustang! I am so pimp. Heh.
I met Katie, Kent, and Karen on campus (that is a lot of K names) and we drove up to Joel’s apartment then we all went to lunch at Mama Fu’s. Mmm. From there, Katie and Joel went to pack, Karen went back to the lab (ah, the life of a grad student), and Kent and I ran around town. We had ice cream at Jake’s, wandered through the Tech bookstore, and then walked across campus so I could take pictures.
I can’t believe you didn’t take a picture of the whole car so we could all be jealous!