What’s on Jesus’ iPod?
“After all, Jesus was a rebel. Jesus was the Original Liberal. Jesus was a devoted pacifist and a badass egalitarian and his best friends were all whores and dissidents and freethinkers and miscreants, artists of every shape and size and haircut and of course, were he walking around today, Jesus would be pretty much loathed and ostracized if not outright hacked to bits by the Christian Right. “Goddamn hippie liberal tree hugger,” they’d sneer, waving scythes and Bibles. “What the hell?” Jesus would say.”
“Jesus, on the other hand, is a monster music fan. You just know it. After all, Jesus was an agitator. Jesus protested. Jesus battled the demons of the status quo and he defied the sad dictatorial norms of his day and as such the Holy iPod is surely home to a huge number of songs of protest and resistance and hope, rebellion and triumph and joy. Just for starters.”
“Jesus knows this Big Obvious Secret: All music celebrates God, because God is merely another word for life and life is merely another word for “hot divine energy force” and “hot divine energy force” is merely another word for, well, “Steven Tyler.” So there you go.”