So I just remembered that last night I dreamt that Carter was getting married, and half an hour before the ceremony I realized that I had forgotten to find white sandals with a 1-2 inch heel that I needed for my dress. (Which, I don’t really know why I needed this, because I wasn’t the bride. Nor was I a bridesmaid. But the white sandal with 1-2 inch heel is totally thanks to my sister’s impending wedding. Katie, your specifications are showing up in my dreams now. Heh!)
So Kent and I jumped in the car, and Carter came too, despite the fact that, you know, he was getting married in a half hour. And we drove to Payless, only it was closed. And I was freaking out, and Kent was just laughing hysterically as he is prone to do. And then Carter missed his wedding, and didn’t seem too upset about it.
It was weird.
(i’m going to get in trouble for this, i know… but i just can’t help it)
let’s see here… carter’s getting married. you need WHITE shoes. you run off with another man to find the shoes, which you are so stressed over. carter misses his wedding.
um, yeah… i think you were the bride.
Sorry, no dice there. I was definitely not the bride.