Last night I came home from softball, messed around on the computer for a while, and finally sat down with some dinner to watch The O.C., which I had TiVoed. Imagine my shock and awe when, at the beginning of the recording, a little “FOX SPECIAL NEWS REPORT” popped up. President Bush apparently decided to hold his first prime time news conference in over a year right when I wanted to watch The O.C. I fast forwarded, hoping that it would be a quickie, but no, it lasted the whole freaking hour. And of course since the news conference wouldn’t have affected all time zones, I can’t find out whether they are going to replay it or not.
GAAAH. Stupid president. He should really try harder to work around my primetime soap opera TV schedule. Really.
We had a decent softball game last night even though we ended up losing. I went 2-for-3 though with an RBI and a run scored, so that was nice. Lately my luck has changed. I haven’t been hitting any better, still dinking dribblers in the infield, but they have started going to the right places where I can make it to first before the throw.
Clemens and Maddux are facing off tonight at Minute Maid, but alas, I already have tickets to go see Stomp at the Grand Opera House down in Galveston. Two 300-game winners. Wow. Is it me, or have there already been a ton of marquis pitching matchups this year? Pedro vs. Smoltz twice already, Clemens vs. Hudson, Oswalt vs. Sheets, Clemens vs. Maddux… if only the Astros were playing above .500, everything would be lovely.
Do you know that two 300 game winners have not faced off in TWENTY YEARS?

Stomp is cool and all, but it isn’t *once in a lifetime*.
Yeah, who really cares about Bush when the OC is on?? But don’t worry – they’re showing last week’s and this week’s episodes this Thursday starting at 7. Let the 2 hour drama begin!