Every so often I get a handwritten letter from my grandmother in Pennsylvania, my dad’s mom. She lives in a big old house on a dairy farm now run by my two uncles and cousin. Her letters always entertain and amuse me to no end; I think it’s because of the way she words things and what she thinks of to write about. She is one cool old lady. Excerpts from the most recent two-pager dated April 13:
“You must have had a wonderful weekend. Your card [postcard that I sent from Seattle] is beautiful. Vicki’s [my aunt] brother goes to Seattle from time to time and has brought back lovely pictures. I think Joe [my uncle] was in that area on a farm tour once and he remarked about the rain in that area.”
“Of course we have had lots of rain and the weather map looks like Charlotte is getting its share. Week before last we had at least 5″ in all, and during the one storm it really poured. My sump pump ran for about 24 hrs. After that it was more just rain – no pouring. The creek was flowing bank high both times but didn’t flood our roads. Above us and York County had lots of trouble and Lisa & Frank [my cousin and her husband] drove down to Conowingo so Frank could see the dam. There were 18 gates open and they were getting ready to open more. All that rain above us flooded into the Susquehanna and it rose and rose.”
“Are you still working on a Mars project? I try to read all I can find but these papers up here are not the best. I did see the moving of the shuttle to the launching pad. I am watching closely. The overall record on the shuttles is not that bad and I think they will get this trip without any trouble.”
“I was going to EMail some while Steven [my uncle] is away but there is a message on the screen I don’t know how to deal with. I hope my writing is decipherable. It certainly isn’t the best.”
The funniest part is that every time I get a handwritten letter, it ends with a remark about how she really meant to email, but couldn’t figure out the computer. My grandmother is cool. I haven’t been up to the farm to see her in almost four years, but in theory one of my uncles or cousins is going to drive her down to Charlotte for Katie’s wedding. I’m glad.
Sarah- I LOVE getting these sorts of letters from my grandmother. She lives in West Virginia and she writes the same way and basically about the same stuff. Email has revolutionized communication, but these handwritten letters are priceless! I hope you keep them all!