Becca posted a picture of the Twister madness of Saturday night, so if you’ve ever wanted to see a picture of me with my butt up in the air, your wish has been granted.
I skipped rock climbing last night because 1) I was at work until 6 and 2) my refrigerator was extremely empty. That second fact necessitated a trip to the grocery store, which is one of my least favorite chores. I always, always procrastinate about going to Kroger. This means that when I finally do go, I end up with a full cart of $150 worth of stuff. I blame the method on growing up with my Mom, who had four kids, which meant she had to go to the grocery store and fill the cart to the breaking point every week. I only have to go every 2-3 weeks at my rate. It’s really not the best way to go about things, but hey.
I watched American Idol and was not as impressed with the boys this week. I’m still sticking with my favorite two, Mario and Nikko, because they were still decent last night. But on the whole there was definitely a drop-off from week 1, in my opinion, despite the accolades from the judges. We’ll see how the girls do tonight. Hopefully they’ll improve, because last week I thought they all sucked…
I disagree. I think the guys did way better this week. I’m still for Mario, but there were probably 4 other performers last night that I thought did just as well as he. The girls will probably be the same as last week. I’m not impressed with them this year.
See I always like the girls better. But that’s mainly because I like women singing better for whatever reason. That chick with the Brooklyn accent totally annoys me, though. I only watched on and off last night, but I agree Mario is one of the best.