Now that Karen is on her way back to Atlanta, maybe I’ll get back to having some quiet evenings sitting comfortably on my couch. Monday we went to the Galleria. Last night we went to Mi Luna for sangria and tapas. Perhaps tonight I’ll get home before 9:30 or 10:00! (Yes, getting home past that is late for me for a weeknight. I am getting so old.) The quiet evenings won’t start this week though. I’ve got a bike safety class and swimming tonight, and softball tomorrow night. Nothing Friday though. Hooray for Friday.
Side note: do you know how hard I have to concentrate each time I go to link to Karen’s blog? I always spell it wrong at least once.
After dinner last night we went next door to browse at Urban Outfitters, where I found an $8 action figure of…Jesus. There were so many possibilities there that I just couldn’t resist. I mean, come on, he has posable arms and “gliding action!” So this morning I stuck him on Jo’s desk with a note saying “Get back to work! Slackers are sinners!” and then she and I later moved him to Nick’s office where he declared “Watch your back.”
We really do complete actual work here. Really.
No, really.
It’s absolutely gorgeous outside today, and has been for the past few. Houston in March is what I think of when I suffer through July and August. March is by far the nicest month in this city.
I just found out that my AIAA paper has officially been accepted for the GNC conference in August in San Francisco! Yippee!
Karen’s domain name is so long that I actually find it more efficient to open another browser, open someone else’s blog, click the “Karen” link, and then copy/paste the url into the link code. The funny thing is that it amuses me enough to almost wish that we called our domain
Hee, hee. I made a word that’s too long for your template.