After Saturday morning’s 10K, I spent the rest of the weekend “partying.” Or as close as I get to partying these days…
Saturday night was the long-planned “shot party” in honor of Becca’s birthday, Cari’s birthday, Melanie’s birthday, and Jo’s desire to get sloshed. I went over prepared with a toothbrush and pajamas, but it just wasn’t happening for me. I like to spend the night in my own bed anyway, so I was one of the few (two?) who actually made it home that night. The party was fun though. We played Twister (I love Twister!) and watched Space Camp, which I had never seen, much to the dismay of everyone else in the room. Now they can get off my case about it.
Mental note for the future: Do not — under any circumstances but especially when everyone is tipsy — watch cheesy 80s space-themed movies with a bunch of NASA engineers. Why? Because they will steadfastly refuse and/or ignore your requests that they SHUT THE HELL UP about all the inaccuracies in the movie. You know who you are!
I slept late yesterday and lounged around all afternoon. I’d planned to go see The Aviator, but Cari and Nick both ditched me, or rather, just didn’t want to go. So it’s still on my list. I headed over to Becca’s for the second evening in a row to watch the Oscars. They were surprisingly short, and I thought Chris Rock was a nice change as host. I loved his bit comparing the presidency to a job at the Gap, finding that your register is $7 trillion short at the end of the day, and starting a war with Banana Republic over toxic tank tops…and it turns out that Banana Republic didn’t make tank tops to begin with. Hee hee.
No big surprises with the major awards, so that was a bit boring. I feel sorry for the people who had to accept their award from a microphone in the aisle of the theater; do they not deserve to be on stage like the actors and directors? The best acceptance speech of the night came from the guy who won Best Original Song with “Al Otro Lado del Rio” from The Motorcycle Diaries. He got up, sang two verses of his song, said “ciao” and left. Beautiful.
When I was a kid, “party” used to be a noun. When I got to collage, it turned into a verb.
Clearly you have mastered both forms of the word.
I heard about the Aviator and now that the Academy Awards are over, it made me curious about the movie. I’ll probably still wait for it on DVD.
psst, i’ll see the aviator, let me know when
I did and still want to see it, that was just not a good time.