This may be too much information, but I have this weird rash on the front of my neck. It’s incredibly itchy, and is a bit red and blotchy. Putting lotion on my neck helps. I think I’m having an allergic reaction to something, but I can’t figure out what. It began on Saturday, when I went running in a new t-shirt that I hadn’t washed yet, so perhaps there was something skin-irritating on the shirt?? Even so, I’d think the reaction would have subsided by now. It’s very strange. If anyone has any idea what it might be, let me know.
Ok, weird health issue discussion over.
Except I’ve just developed a random headache, since lunch.
Ok, now weird health discussion really over.
Having yesterday off work inevitably left me feeling like it was a Sunday, and as such, I almost forgot to hit the climbing gym last night. I went because Buzz encouraged me to come, and reminded me when I randomly ran into her yesterday at Jiffy Lube, but she has gotten too good for me and I can’t really climb with her. It’s disappointing in one sense not to be able to keep up with her anymore, but on the other hand, she has a tendency to push me just a bit harder than I want to be pushed, and I end up frustrated.
Jeff was there though, so I had someone to belay me and we ended up climbing together for an hour. I don’t know him very well (he’s a former co-op who started full-time just a couple weeks ago, so he was the co-op generation after me), but I think we’re pretty good climbing partners because we’re both at about the same skill level. He’s just a bit taller and has more upper body strength, simply by virtue of being male, so he can climb more difficult routes than I can. But not enough harder to make us mismatched.
I came home from the gym and watched the 12 guys perform on the first night of American Idol. I was pretty impressed, actually — all twelve of them could carry a tune, and a few were really good. The first and last guys, Nikko and Mario, were my favorites of the night. I guess I’ll tune in tonight to see how the girls do. Don’t know about tomorrow night for the “elimination” show. Three nights per week of American Idol? That is a lot. Thank God for TiVo and the ability to fast-forward through the parts I don’t want to see.
This afternoon the rodeo trail ride is coming through JSC. It passes through every year (apparently they spend the night at Gilruth) but I’ve never gone to see it. I figured today is as good a day as any, so I’m going to head outside in an hour or so to watch the people on horses ride past.
Next time you get a headache, try this.
Look at the back of your left hand with your fingers spread apart. With the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, “pinch” the muscle between the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. Massage that whole area really hard even to the point where it hurts. Do that for a minute and then switch to the other hand. Your headache should be gone in less than two minutes on each side. BTW – in most cases, one side will do, depending on which side of your head hurts.
Also, it actually works better and faster if you have someone massage both of your hands at the same time. They key is to have that area massaged really hard though.