Today is Cari’s birthday, and due to an inability to buy cheese curds at Whole Foods because she left her wallet at work, she can’t make poutine (ick) and we will now be visiting the Cheesecake Factory for her birthday dinner. As you can guess, there are no complaints on my part. Mmmmmmm. Cheeeeeeesecake. Thanks for forgetting your wallet, Cari!
I left work at 4:30 yesterday and had planned to go on a bike ride, but ended up sitting on my butt watching TV and messing around on the computer. Next thing I knew, it was dark. Excuse: I was tired anyway. I do need to start biking though, in preparation for the MS150. And speaking of the MS150, if you would like to sponsor me, please do so here.
Yes, that entire paragraph was a way to work in the “donate to me” sentence.
But to continue with the athletic theme, I’ve been a major slacker in terms of working out since the marathon. That, combined with the fact that I’ve been eating whatever appears in front of me, has resulted in gaining about 5 pounds. This does not make me happy. Grr. Time to buckle down again.
I’m running the Rodeo Run 10K in a week and a half and am going to plan on doing at least 4 runs between now and then. My goal is 1:05:00, or ~10:30 miles. I think I can do it, but it’ll be a challenge.
Looking toward spring in general, I’m finding that time management is the hardest part of any workout routine. There are so many things I enjoy doing, and so little time. Rock climbing on Mondays, softball on Thursdays, soccer on both Saturday and Sunday once the spring season starts again. Plus we usually go swimming on Wednesdays, to stay in shape for two upcoming triathlons. Add to that the need to get in at least 2 decent bike rides per week from now until the MS150 in mid-April, and the fact that I’d like to get in at least 2 runs per week to maintain my running fitness… That adds up to nine activities, or, more activities per week than days!
Somehow I’ll work it out.
1) I hate having to re-enter my info everytime I want to leave a comment. I think I’ll just stop doing it.

2) You’re welcome; and I love how nothing is sacred.
Man, you weren’t the only one that decided to start training for the MS150 yesterday. Maybe the nice weather had something to do with it, but the number of bikers out on the roads after work yesterday was way up from how it has been recently.
No worries, Cari. I’ll soon be switching blog services and then you can click the “remember me” button.
I’ve been a major slacker in terms of working out since the marathon.
There’s some irony in that statement.