Nick: “Why do people say ‘throw down the gauntlet’ when you duel? If I want to duel, do I have to run out and get a gauntlet?”
Becca: “No, you can just say ‘let’s duel.'”
Nick: “Where did that phrase come from?”
Becca: “Well, I think it’s a throw-back from a time when people wore gaunlets.”
Nick: “You wear them? Wait, what’s a gauntlet?”
Becca: “It’s a glove.”
Sarah: “Yeah, and the part that goes on your forearm. We had fake ones to wear with our marching band uniforms in high school.”
Nick: “What?? I thought it was, like, a glass.”
Sarah & Becca: “No, that a goblet.”
I think Nick and I share the same hair color!!