Rachel Wiesz, that woman from The Mummy movies, was on The Daily Show last night talking to Jon Stewart. She was talking about the movie she’s currently wrapping up filming in Montreal, and about how she loved Montreal because it was the best parts of France — croissants, etc — without the snootiness.
Jon Stewart says “You know we tried to create that in EPCOT Center.”
The audience cracks up, but Rachel Wiesz is deadpan. “I don’t know what that is,” she says, confused.
Jon Stewart looks puzzled. He attempts to start an explanation a couple times, and finally says “hmm, how do you explain EPCOT Center?? Ok ok ok — You know how big the world is?”
“Yeah,” says Rachel Wiesz.
Jon Stewart explains: “Imagine if you could walk it…in an hour.”
I have walked it in less than that, and rollerbladed it in far less.