TiVo is awesome. I love it. I paused the TV last night just because I could. Ha HA!
I’m running a 5K tomorrow morning with Rich. It’s good that he convinced me to sign up for it (yes, he convinced me, I can’t remember the last time someone asked me to do a run, instead of me bugging them), because I need the motivation to get back out there. I haven’t been a couch potato since the marathon, but I also haven’t been running. Not even once. And this is bad, bad bad bad, because one of my goals for this year is to not lose all my running endurance over the summer like I did last year. See, I didn’t want to run in the oppressive heat, which sounded like a good idea at the time but turned out to be a decision that I greatly regretted when I was first starting marathon training.
Anyway. I need to keep running at least a couple times a week. Though I do need to up my bike riding in preparation for the MS150 in April.
Carter and I were talking last night about publishing blogs. He wants his blog in book form, and I think it might be neat to have a copy of mine as well, but…come on, it’s a blog, no one else would want a copy. Who wants to read a book of what I did every day, except me? I think there are probably plenty of places out there in internet-land that would allow me to publish my blog, but the cost is probably prohibitive unless you want to mass-produce the thing. Anyway. Interesting to think about.
Carter used My Publisher to make a great photo album for his parents. He had major problems actually getting the book to him, but I don’t think it was My Publisher’s fault; more of a problem in that Carter’s mail delivery is weird, and he is cursed when dealing with the USPS. I’ve been thinking I should put together a “best of” book of Peru photos. Sit it on my coffee table and daydream about the Andes.
You are a peacemaker soul? Does that make you a graet dimplomat?
Stop insulting my spelling, crazy Dad!