Those who know me should realize by now that I love technology. Though I always try to fight it when it first arrives, I end up embracing it. A timeline:
November 1999: I write an editorial about the evils of ICQ. I write this article…while I use the damn chat program on an hourly basis.
December 2000: After declaring loudly and on multiple occasions that I would never get a cell phone and don’t understand how they’re all that useful…I buy a cell phone. And it basically hasn’t left my side since. And I’m not even a phone person.
October 2001: I convince myself that because of my small dorm room and small desk, I must have a flat panel monitor. (Though to be fair, the monitor I had previously was from 1996 and about 14 inches.) Somebody told me that flat panel monitors only last a couple years, but mine is still going strong.
May 2002: I buy a digital camera. I don’t know why I was so behind the curve on this one, really. The digital camera is perhaps my favorite technological device developed, well, in my lifetime thus far.
September 2002: I sell my digital camera to buy a better digital camera.
January 2003: I get rid of my cell phone to get a better cell phone. One with a camera. Everything is better with a camera.
January 2004: I sell my DVD player to buy a Playstation 2, which works as a DVD player and lets me play Dance Dance Revolution. Bonus.
February 2004: I sell my old cell phone to get a better cell phone. One with a better camera.
March 2004: I buy a GPS handheld receiver. So I can go on high-tech treasure hunts and get stung by bees. I have a great sense of direction, but hey, you can never be too sure.
April 2004: I buy a new desktop, just so it can run my software faster.
October 2004: I buy a far better digital camera, but this time I don’t even bother to get rid of the old one. Two cameras are better than one, right?
March 2004: Becca and Nick’s liberal use of their TiVo to (gasp!) pause live television during the Academy Awards results in me yelling a lot, and generally not being able to handle live TV being paused. The horror.
December 2004: I buy my dad image-stabilized binoculars for Christmas. I now want image-stabilized binoculars, because come on, have you seen how cool they are?
January 2005: I buy a TiVo. Later that day, I surf eBay for a new cell phone with an even better camera.
Reading this makes me so proud
I knew you would be, George. Can’t wait to see what Irwin says…
Being stung by bees is cool.
I do the same thing… I just bought a new cell phone too…it’s so cool. but, did I need it? hell no…
Wait…to replace the PDA phone you already had??