Last year when Carter and I visited Christina in Chicago and went to all those baseball games, we spent a bit of time before the Cubs game wandering around outside Wrigley Field. Yes, I am an Astros fan and a Braves fan, and not a Cubs fan, but I have a lot of respect for the Cubs and their fans and their stadium. Because of that, I wanted to buy a Cubs t-shirt. But not just any t-shirt. No, I was very specific in what I wanted.
We went from t-shirt stand to store and back to t-shirt stand, all up and down the streets around the stadium. I wanted a navy blue shirt with a logo in the middle. A small logo, not one that would overwhelm the shirt. And it couldn’t be just any logo — it had to be the old-school round one, the Cubs “C” with the cubby bear on it. Yes, with the bear. This one, not this one.
We looked at every t-shirt stand we passed as we circled the stadium, and ducked into every shop, and didn’t find what I wanted. Carter started to get a bit annoyed, I think. “How do you know what you want if you’ve never seen it? How do you know it even exists?” he asked. But I knew that if I looked long enough, I would find it. And of course I did. (If I hadn’t, why would I be telling this story?) It was probably the 20th t-shirt stand we’d walked past, but I found the t-shirt I’d been wanting the whole time. I plunked down my $20 and that was that.
Eight months later, I’m having the same experience with, of all things, furniture. Furniture! Geez.
I’m in need of shelving or some sort of medium-sized drawer/filing unit. I’ve been needing something for a while now. If it’s a shelf or multiple shelves, it needs to go on the wall without being obtrusive; if it’s a drawer/filing unit, it needs to sit on top of my desk without being too big or ugly. Additionally, it should either match my current Ikea medium brown desk or be different enough to be quaint, eccentric, and charming. I have a mental picture of what I want, but don’t know where to go to find it. I’ve checked Ikea’s website, but I think they have a lot more available at the store so I’ll have to try there. I may also check Office Depot. I don’t want to spend a lot of money because a) something expensive probably wouldn’t match the cheap (but effective!) Ikea laminate “wood” that I currently have and b) I don’t want to spend a lot of money.
Any suggestions? it’s in High Point and has the world’s largest highboy outside.
The Container Store or
1) I contend that we never found the shirt you wanted. The shirt you bought had piping and vneck which you did not stipulate. The shirt you wanted did not exist.
2) If you want nice furniture, just spend money on nice furniture.