I rarely get anywhere exactly on time; I’m always about five minutes late. (I prefer to think of it not as late, but just a tad behind.) This annoys my friend Jason, who is the most punctual person I know by far. So I predict that no matter what he thinks of today’s entry, he will be slightly bothered, even if unconsciously so, that it comes a week late. A week, over the span of a year, probably equates to about five minutes, right?
With that said I can now, on January 7th, present my New Years Resolutions in peace. Some are big, some are small, but here they are:
- Website stuff. This needs sub-bullets.
- Redesign this site. I’ve never completely liked the current design, and now I want to have a screenshot of my photoblog posts here, and maybe move the Flickr stream to the photoblog?
- Migrate this site to Movable Type.
- Incorporate my Diaryland archives (March 2004 back to July 2001), my Countdown 100 Days entries (spring semester 2001), and the hand-coded diary entries I was doing before I knew what a “blog” was and before Blogger had even been born (December 2000 all the way back to sometime in 1998). The latter two groups still exist on my computer but aren’t online anywhere at the moment, which seems a shame.
- Finally get around to helping Chris with a design for Cheri’s site. Something that looks really slick, but that he can easily maintain and update.
- Gather enough material (re: create a portfolio) so that by the end of 2005 I can assemble a decent application for one of these graduate programs, or something similar. Submit the application, and see what happens. I’m not sure I want to go back to school, and I have doubts that I can even get accepted, but I’d like to try.
- Back up my digital photos. Somehow. Because I would feel like poo and cry if I lost my photos. External harddrive probably?
- Make sure that my sister has the best wedding of her life. Ok, granted, I hope that she will only have onewedding in her life, but still. It needs to be good.
- Improve my photographyskills. Yes, I know this is pretty generic and fuzzy and hard to really assess. Too bad for me.
- Keep running, biking, swimming, playing soccer, playing softball, etc. Enter my now “standard” races — the Speedo and Danskin triathlons, the Rodeo Run and Bayou City Classic 10Ks, and the MS150. Get 150+ people to do the Yuri’s Night 5K. This really isn’t much of a resolution, because I’ll do it all regardless. See how sporty I have become? Mwa ha ha.
- Update my blog earlier in the day so that Becca doesn’t send me emails (from her desk that, for at least another week, is still five feet away from mine) that say: “UPDATE YOUR BLOG. Now make fun of me for e-mailing you rather than saying this outloud.”
Ok, so maybe not that last one.