APOD’s photo for today is, again, amazing. The Opportunity rover, which is still going strong on the surface of Mars despite the fact that its designed lifespan ended months ago, has doubled back and to find its own heat shield.
And on Titan, out there orbiting Saturn, scientists have determined from Huygens probe data that the surface is covered with ice ridges and seas of liquid natural gas. The entire moon is flammable! However, “There’s no source of oxygen available, which is a good thing or Titan would have exploded a long time ago,” said Toby Owen in a CNN article.
The space program is freaking amazing.
I got a few of the “official” race photos from the marathon and posted them in the race gallery. I don’t know why I continue to post unflattering pictures of me running, but ah well.
This week has flown past. I’ve been a bit more inspired about my work lately, which has resulted in me putting in a few extra hours here and there. I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to determining whether this neural net abort determination stuff has any chance of being included on a mission.
I’m looking forward to a quiet Friday night and an early bedtime in an attempt to shake the touch of a cold I currently have. I really want to see The Aviator, but don’t want to go out tonight. I’ll probably rent something instead.
Roger Clemens is set to sign a new one-year contract with the Astros, for a record sum of >$17.5 million. It will be nice to have him back for another season, but in the meantime, Jason and I have decided not to renew our season tickets…at least for this year. With Chris out in California for the year, we’d have to move seats (to worse seats) and would obviously only be buying two seats, which is not as desirable as three for multiple reasons. There’s also the fact that Jason stands to be unavailable for at least a couple weeks during the summer if the shuttle launches as scheduled, because he’ll be working the flights.
So we decided to forego season tickets this year and take our chances. The major disadvantage of not getting season tickets is that come postseason, if the ‘Stros are in, we won’t be guaranteed tickets and will have to fend for ourselves. I anticipate getting season tickets again when Chris is back in 2006.
Ha, you should have seen the ones they took of me in the Seattle Half! Unbelievably bad. And they keep sending me stuff to try and get me to buy some.