I am so annoyed. Last week, realizing that the trip was less than a month away, I bought a ticket home for Christmas for $208, almost $100 cheaper than anything else. To get that price, I fly from Houston to Charlotte via Chicago. Ugh. I was already regretting the purchase and wishing I’d just spent the extra $100 to fly direct, when today, exactly three weeks before I go home, US Air drops their price on the Houston-Charlotte route. If I’d waited one week longer, I could buy a ticket today for a direct flight for $163. Damn damn DAMN the airlines and their bizarre ticket pricing policies. I will be cursing them through freaking O’Hare and all the way home.
I was at work a bit later than usual last night trying to get some work done on a white paper we have to deliver to Goddard tomorrow. In going back to the sims to verify what our co-op ran back in September, I realized that she hadn’t run the numbers that she thought she was running. Her work was useful, but not what I thought it was. So I had to set up a couple more sims and get them going quickly. Not a huge problem, just a surprise. I should learn to check things more carefully, and not leave documentation to the last minute.
Tyler Hamilton, an elite cyclist, was fired by his team after his positive tests for blood doping in August and September. Sigh. Sad. Of course it doesn’t bode well for any of the other cyclists either, and I’m sure Lance Armstrong will see a few more accusations thrown his way. I don’t know if Lance is truly clean or not, but I hope so.
The Houston weather is doing its crazy flip-flop thing again. Last night when I went to bed, it was 74 outside and 80 inside, and I actually turned on the a/c to cool down my apartment. The air conditioning. On November 29. Then of course this morning I woke up, looked at my thermometer (which yes, I am obsessed with), and it was 48 degrees outside. And very windy. And sadly overcast. Hmm. I was telling Carter the other day that I don’t seem to like cold weather as much as I used to — a consequence of living in Houston and rarely experiencing the chilly stuff, I suppose. Gavin said they had 17 inches of snow in Casper while they were there for Thanksgiving. I’ve never seen that much snow in my entire life!
I don’t travel a lot but I know when someone’s playing a shell game with me. Airline tickets are a scam, pure and simple. Like new car prices, the prices seem totally unpredictable and arbitrary.