This weekend was weird. Maybe it was the gray and drizzly weather, maybe it was because last week at work was odd with my training class and everything, maybe it’s because I’m just a weird person, but I just felt off. Defeated. Sad. Down. Whatever. Especially yesterday, when I stayed in bed until 3:00. I got up for a bowl of cereal, and when my dad called, but other than that I just lounged in bed, reading. It was lovely, but didn’t make me feel any less blah.
I finally dragged myself out of my pajamas for a three mile run. I’d been planning to do a long run yesterday, but just couldn’t summon the motivation. I’m glad I was able to force a short run though, and at a pretty decent pace as it turned out — under 11:00 per mile for the second run in a row. I’ll run tomorrow night, do the Turkey Trot 10K on Thursday, and do a 14-15 miler next weekend. The 30K is the weekend after that.
What else? Well, Friday night I played soccer on a field that was more like a swamp, and got eaten alive by mosquitos. The games I was supposed to ref on Saturday morning got cancelled due to the ongoing monsoon, so I slept in before hitting the grocery store, making my sweet potatoes, going to see Bridget Jones 2 with Jen (Colin Firth, sigh), coming home to finish off the potatoes with some marshmellows, and going to the Thanksgiving dinner at Brienne’s. Everything was very yummy, even if the social situation was as self-segregated as a middle school dance. Weird. Yesterday was loafing, a run, dinner at Mely’s, and a movie.
Today is still gray and rainy, and I still feel blah.
Whether or not it had anything to do with your mood, you *are* a weird person.