I just had the most vivid “God I miss that” moment, and it’s all Carter‘s fault for posting one of Alex’s emails. I don’t know how he could skip football season when every week you get to hang out with these crazy awesome people:
The headcount I have based on your [half-assed] responses is approx. 22. Here is the breakdown:
Alex +1 (Beer+Cokes+Liquor=Good Times)
Chris (Smart ass comments from the peanut gallery. Are you coming or not?!)
Brad +3 (Publix veggie tray+Beer+Lots of school spirit)
Michael (7 Layer Dip+Chips+No ticket+Disturbing stories about kissing his…we won’t go there)
Iffy (Iffy; as in questionable)
CatBryan (Ham Roll-ups[For the love of God, no mayo!]+Oatmeal cookies)
Liz (Boiled Peanuts+Chocolate chip cookies)
Cyndi (Mystery dish, hopefully not made out of fried chicken and/or beer)
Angie +2 (Chick-fil-a party tray+An as of yet to be determined desert)
Erik +a couple, maybe (Additional beer, maybe)
Kathryn (Side dish of her choosing)
Brian +1 (The lasagne I graciously offered in week 1+Bread)
I’m always lamenting leaving California, it’s true that I miss Stanford terribly. But living in Harris during my fourth year at Georgia Tech was my best year of college. Rooming with Courtney, sharing a suite with Leila, having Alex and Josh across the hall, Iffy dropping by at random times, all the other guys on the long hall…
I could go on and on about all the crazy things we did that year, but instead I’ll just say that living with great people makes life fun.
I had a nice day off yesterday. Slept in, went swimming with Becca and Buzz, messed around on the computer for a while, attempted a run. My legs hurt so much that I stopped after only two miles; I really need to figure out what’s going on there and fix it before my training suffers any more. Dinner at Mely’s and a soccer ref’s meeting put me in a good mood, so I celebrated with Starbucks and watching celebrity poker (not my choice, but surprisingly gripping).
Coming up this weekend: soccer tonight, reffing tomorrow, 25K Sunday morning, and soccer Sunday night. I’m playing keeper, which I haven’t played since that one time when I was 8. Anyone want to go kick balls at me sometime tomorrow so I can get some practice?
i would gladly kick balls at you, but they would be very slow after coming all the way from florida.