Last night I spoke to the area’s soccer referee assignor (who also happens to own Mediterraneo, one of my favorite Clear Lake restaurants), and within two minutes of talking I’d already been assigned to ref three Under-8 games on Saturday morning. Talk about being thrown right into the fire! When I expressed a bit of hesitation because I’ve never reffed before, he told me to come to the local referees meeting tomorrow night and he’ll go over the basics and introduce me to a veteran who will ref the games with me on Saturday.
So tomorrow I need to head to Friendswood to the soccer store and get a ref shirt and stuff. I’m a bit nervous — not because of the kids, but because of the parents — but it should be fun.
Nick finally got his new car today, a Toyota Prius that he ordered back in April. I was admittedly skeptical of the whole hybrid car idea, but he gave us the demonstration on coke break this afternoon, and it is really cool. It’s got a power button instead of turning a key, a park button instead of a gear shift, GPS, the ability to pipe a cell phone through the car speakers and microphone, and a touch screen that controls basically everything. I drove it around the parking lot and was fascinated by watching the screen to find out whether it was running on battery or engine power. Yeah, so I should probably not get a Prius or I’d wreck it while watching the pretty screen.
Anyway. It’s almost time to go home for the day, and oh! Tomorrow is a holiday! Hooray for Veteran’s Day and hooray for the perks of being a government employee. I’m going to sleep late, go swimming, and veg out. I’ll work a half day on Friday, then ahh, the weekend.
It’s a shame that there is a long waiting list for a hybrid like a prius – but none for so many gas guzzlers!
If you know of anyone with a laptop with bluetooth you should see if you can play mp3s through the speakers like the phone. That’s my biggest curiousity about vehicles with bluetooth since I have a laptop with bt.
I have a laptop with bluetooth. It would be fun to see if it would play music through the car’s speakers.