It’s my last day of Photoshop class. Look, I made Pauld into a Polaroid!
He’s so cute. It’s really a shame he never emailed back.
Anyway. I went on a run last night since 1) I needed to run and 2) softball was cancelled due to the monsoon earlier in the week. I did two laps out at the Gilruth. The first lap wasn’t so good — legs hurting, etc, etc. The second lap was much better. There was an older guy about 30-40 feet in front of me who seemed to be going at a reasonable pace, so I decided to try to stay just behind him. I did that for about a mile and a half, and then picked up the pace enough to pass him and finish the lap a minute or so ahead of him. I was really crusing along at the end, and ended up averaging 10:59 (under 11:00!!) per mile for the whole 5.8 mile run. That made my evening.
This afternoon I start training for a new task I have at work — being the NSE (NASA Subsystem Engineer?) for contingency aborts. I am a little apprehensive, as I’m getting the impression from the guy at USA that he is not at all excited about having to train me. He’s been fairly incommunicado via email, and already hasn’t been giving me the information I ask for, i.e. where his desk is! I don’t work in his building, rarely go over there, and don’t know my way around the maze of cubicles at 600 Gemini. The first time I asked where I should meet him (and suggested he give me detailed directions), he didn’t answer the question at all. The second time, he answered by saying that he sits right next to where Angela sits. Um, ok. I know Angela, but again, have no clue where she sits. So I wrote back again and said, I don’t know where she sits, can you clue me in? And he writes back again and says “You have a badge, right? Just come upstairs.”
What the hell?? I haven’t been over to the building much, but I’ve been there once or twice, which was enough to show me that “upstairs” is a maze of cubicles. What am I supposed to do — just wander around until I see his name on a cubicle? (Oh, and since I’ve never met him, I don’t know what he looks like.) I hope the entire training process isn’t going to be as much of a struggle as finding out where his desk is has been.