Time for more links. I should really write my blog entry before I browse my favorite news sites, eh?
There’s an interesting article in the NY Times today about a guy who plays the pan flute. I think the article appealed to me because it made me remember Peru (ah, Peru) and the first bit describes how the guy took the journalist to a hardware store and twenty minutes later had built a pan flute out of PVC pipe. That is so cool.
There’s also an article about supernovas that contains one of the best photo/illustration captions I’ve seen in a long time: “A three-billion-degree bubble of thermonuclear hell mushrooms upward through a star in the milliseconds of a supernova explosion. Sweeping around the star?s surface, the bubble could collide with itself, setting off a fatal detonation.” Bubble of thermonuclear hell. (Noo-clee-ar, not noo-cue-ler.) That’s awesome.
I love the Times. When I was at Stanford, Breakers had a subscription and I got to enjoy a good article or two every day when I ate lunch…at least when there weren’t any Swedes, or Tibor, around to amuse myself with. I miss that.
I miss all of that. Chris is so lucky to be out there for a year. I can’t wait to go see him for a weekend; it’s hard to believe that by the time I go back for a visit, it will have been almost three years since I left California. Why I never made it out there to visit Jen is a big mystery. I guess I told myself I was using all my vacation (and money) on other trips. That was dumb. I’m always going to miss that place.
In the meantime, I’ll keep trying to make peace with Houston. Now that the cool weather has arrived, I’m reminded of what I always forget from May till September — I don’t mind Houston that much when it’s nice outside! I went for a run last night, 5k, and it wasn’t too bad. Some pain in my legs again for the first mile and a half, but again, it disappeared after I got warmed up.
I’m thinking of switching blogging systems. I’ve been messing around with Movable Type for something else I’m working on, and it is so cool. Takes a bit of time and effort to understand how to use it effectively, but MT lends itself to tons of options that Blogger doesn’t yet have.
And thus ends a very boring entry. Apologies all ’round.
Oh, I miss Breakers! And the NY TImes!