Hello and greetings to those of you with short attention spans. Today’s entry won’t be as long as yesterday’s, so rest easy. My incredibly fun weekend has left me sleepy, a bit confused, and asking a couple “life questions”…but all in a good, possibly exciting, possibly fun way. We’ll see where that takes me, but I’m thinking that it could be something good. Or at least good for me…
Anyway. I know that’s cryptic, but you’ll all survive till I’m ready to say more. Also, Gavin is reading over my shoulder and it creeps me out. I know he reads my blog and all, but over my shoulder is still work-in-progress, Gavin, so cut it out!
The Chronicle has a great sidebar today comparing the presidential debates to the first game of the NLCS — which will you be watching??
? Politics: 8 p.m. on most broadcast and cable TV stations
? Playoffs: 7:19 p.m. on Channel 26
? Politics: Arizona State University
? Playoffs: Busch Stadium
? Politics: Ken Mehlman for Bush, Mary Beth Cahill for Kerry
? Playoffs: Phil Garner for Astros, Tony La Russa for Cardinals
? Politics: Leadership of the free world
? Playoffs: NL championship and a spot in the World Series
? Politics: In the hall, 100-150 “soft” supporters of either candidate. They must sit on their hands and not cheer.
? Playoffs: In the stadium, more than 50,000 Cardinals fans. Standing, cheering and shouting are encoured.
? Politics: Sixteen questions. Topic is economic and domestic policy. No props or diagrams. No nose-to-nose direct questioning. Debaters must stay at podiums. Coin toss determines order of closing statements. No extra innings.
? Playoffs: Double-switches and flipflopping OK, as long as you win. So is being single-minded and sticking to your guns, unless it costs you the game. At postgame interview, team members may be questioned, blamed or criticized, depending on their performance.
? Politics: Elephant and donkey.
? Playoffs: Star and cardinal.
? Politics: Dark blue suits, with power ties in red or blue. No caps.
? Playoffs: Gray for Astros, white for Cardinals. No suits. No ties.
Just because *you* didn’t write it, doesn’t make it short. Quoting from the Chronicle still makes it a long entry. But it certainly was amusing.
Dude, it was shorter than yesterday! That’s all I promised.