HEY! Attention anyone out there who has been thinking of getting their own domain name and/or web hosting…
The host I use for this site, Dreamhost, is having a huge sale at the moment in celebration of their 7th anniversary. The first 777 people to sign up for new accounts can get the basic level (800MB of storage space, free domain registration, lots of other good stuff that I can attest to) at only $0.77 per month for the first year. Seriously, I’m not kidding. I just signed up a new domain for the Houston Yuri’s Night party myself, and it was only $9.24 for the next 12 months. All you have to do is make sure to put in “777” as the promotion code.
It doesn’t get any better than that, people. All I ask is that if you do decide you want your own domain name and 800MB of space, you put me (www.saroy.net) down as a referral — follow this link and it will do it automatically. Then we both win!
I am very tempted by that offer, Sarah. But do I have time to create and maintain a webpage? Hmm. I might get one for the local GT club…
$10 for a year is really too good to pass up. I’ve been trying to think of anything else I need/want a domain for to take advantage of the offer.
If you want a page design created for you, I’d be happy to do it.