T’was the day of the game and all through the park
Not a Cardinal was stirring, the place was still dark
The dugout was ready, gloves hung with care
In hopes that St Backe would soon be there
The fans were ready, kids had been fed
And visions of winning ran through their head
Garner was waiting, the Astros would come
The NLCS was not yet done
Then out on the field the ‘Stros did appear
TVs turned on fans ready to cheer
The line up was set, the umpires had met
St Backe appeared, ready and set
Then out on the field the first pitch was thrown
Strike one called the ump he let it be known
The fans just roared, the walls they rumbled
Strike three from the ump, the Cardinals had tumbled
Backe looked up at the white flags flying
No time to give up, we just keep trying
More rapid than rockets, the strikes kept coming
Three Cardinals down, Backe was stunning
The roar of the fans, the smiles on our face
Nothing to fear, not in this place
From the top of the 1st to the top of eight
The Astros were patient, Cardinals waiting their fate
Lidge had appeared, in the top of nine
No time to falter, just look at the signs
The Cardinals went down, the B’s started humming
On Biggio, On Bagwell, On Beltran and Berkman
Then Beltran came up, bat ready and waiting
Cardinals in awe, not anticipating
The fire in the drive, the stolen base
The walk to Berkman, the look on Kents face
As he came to the plate, fire in his eyes
Don’t mess with the ‘Stros, you’ll meet your demise
The pitch neared the plate, Kent raised his bat
One crack it was gone and that was that
The Astros had won, the damage was done,
Meet us in St Louis, we only need one!