My computer sucks because IE freezes and eats my blog entries.
Matt is back at work today after two and a half weeks away for his wedding and honeymoon, and he is very tan from Belize. I was so excited to see him this morning — there has been a terrible lack of absurdity in the office without him around.
SpaceShipOne flew again this morning on its first flight (of two) towards winning the $10 million X-Prize. I watched the live feed on NASA TV and freaked out momentarily when the ship started rolling on the way up, but it straightened itself out and landed safely having made it just past 100 km. I still love the fact that the entire ship gets towed down the runway by a normal pick-up truck.
I have been a complete flake lately and did it again last night, when I realized at 4:50, ten minutes before I was supposed to meet Buzz for a run, that I couldn’t go running because I was going to the baseball game. It’s a good thing I remembered, otherwise Jason and Debbie would have been sitting outside my apartment wondering where I was.
The game was great, with the Astros eeking out a 2-1 win over the Cardinals on the same night the Cubs lost to the Reds. Houston is only a half game out of the wild card lead with four games remaining. Clemens is pitching tonight, which bodes well for a sweep of the Cardinals, and then they end the season against the Rockies this weekend. These final few days are going to be nail-biters as I wait to see if the Astros can make it to the playoffs.
It’s some consolation to me that the Braves are already in, so I have at least one team to root for.
try mozilla.