Do you ever have days where people get on your nerves? Not for any particular reason, but just their existance in general? I know it’s not rational, but I am totally having one of those weeks where I just want to sit quietly in a corner by myself. I have zero patience for mentoring, and questions, and sims. I just want (almost) everyone to just leave me alone.
The past few weeks have been stressful as I try to wrap up a project by the end of next week, and I don’t have the knowledge that I need to get it done by myself. The past few weeks have left me tired, achy, and cranky. The past few weeks have made me question the thought of going back to school to get a Ph.D. so that I can teach, because apparently I am really bad at it.
The past few weeks, in short, have sucked.
So it’s nice that it’s Friday.
So I wondered why my list of interests in my Blogger profile were underlined so I clicked on it, and I discovered that Blogger shows other blogs that had similar interests, very cool. So I clicked on geocaching (since that is one of my interests) and came across your page. So if you’re wondering how I found your site, that was it.
Anyway, after reading your Friday post, you may want to get your old GPS back out and hit a couple caches. I live on the NW side of Houston, but I found a few caches around Rice University that are really nice, especially if you have never walked the campus, and they can be fun to do them alone. BTW – these are all virtual caches but they take you to some of the most interesting spots on campus.
Any, hope you cheer up soon.