We just had to write a JAVA code to generate 6 different numbers between 1 and 49, like a lottery drawing. The point was to illustrate loops. It would be much easier if we’d learned how to do arrays yet, but we haven’t, so I’m stuck with a dozen different loops to check to make sure each number is different. Sigh.
I got a pedicure yesterday along with Jo and Tiffany, and the woman painted a flower on each of my big toes. It is pretty, I guess, but so just…not me. I don’t really like it, but don’t want to ruin the rest of the nail polish just to get rid of the silly flower.
After pedicures, I killed time at Walmart to buy the last of my Peru supplies, including a huge duffel bag to put my backpack and extra stuff in. (It makes sense, trust me.) I couldn’t find the duffel bags in sporting goods, so I asked the guy behind the counter. He seemed very confused, as if he had never heard the term “duffel bag” before, and directed me to the sleeping bag stuff sacks. Hmm. So I asked where the luggage was, figuring the bags must be there. No luck on the luggage aisle either. Finally I called Jen (who got hers at Walmart, so I knew they had to be there somewhere), who directed me back to the sporting goods section and to the very top of one of the shelves in the corner. Success! Too bad the Walmart employee couldn’t point them out to me, especially since I was on the right aisle to begin with!
This is my issue with Walmart. I love the place, and they have everything…but it’s so big that if you’re looking for something specific, it’s often almost impossible to find it! Last night I couldn’t find sunscreen! That’s a pretty normal purchase, and you’d expect it to be in/near the cosmetics section, right? Nope. Couldn’t find it anywhere.
I also bought a load of school supplies (love the back-to-school sales). Peru is a very poor country, and the tour agency told us to expect to see many children begging. Tourists usually give them toys or candy, but toys only encourage the behavior, and candy only hurts their already-in-bad-shape teeth. The tour agency said that if we brought school supplies (notebooks, markers, crayons, pencils), they would arrange for us to go to a local school and give them the supplies. It not only provides the kids with something useful, but it encourages them to go to school! That sounded like a great idea to us, so we’re all taking a bunch of school supplies with us on the trip.
After Walmart, it was off to dinner with Nick, Tiffany and Jo, and then home for more packing. Packing is a very lengthy process for me…