I’m in another class this week, Beginning JAVA. I don’t know what it is about this summer, but I’ve managed to get into every class I signed up for. That’s pretty unusual (which is why I often sign up for lots of classes — because I don’t expect to get them) but it’s been nice to have the change of pace. Though it does stress me out a bit to not be in the office working on my neural net.
I don’t know why it stresses me out to not be in the office, because when I’m actually there, I don’t have a full eight hours of work anyway. This week, it’s probably because I know I’m going to be gone all next week anyway because of Peru, so it stresses me out to think I’ll be out of the office for two weeks in a row.
I’m excited about learning JAVA, as I’ve wanted to learn the basics for a while. However, it’s only the first day and I’m already very frustrated with the instructor. He’s already told us a couple blatantly wrong things (which we figured out were wrong once the compiler starting showing lots of red text), and he doesn’t seem to have a good handle on how to actually use the compiling software. I’ve had to figure out some things on my own, and ask Jen a couple other questions. She took the Advanced JAVA class last week, so she may be my “expert” for the week.
Yesterday, Becca, Jen, Gavin and I went downtown to the Houston Museum of Natural Science to see a travelling exhibit on (coincidence?) Machu Picchu. It was cool enough that I am a bit excited about our trip now!
I know that implies that I wasn’t excited before…and quite honestly, I wasn’t. I react strangely to taking trips. I don’t have any problems when the vacation is somewhere within the United States, but as soon as I get ready to leave the country I’m burdened down with some weird anxiety. Leaving the country totally stresses me out! I obsess over what to pack, and whether I’ve packed everything I need, and I don’t sleep well the nights before leaving.
But to make it even weirder, the feeling only lasts until I’m on the plane. Once I’m on the plane, I’m pumped. I’ve left the country several times now, and it’s happened each time. Last year when Becca and I went to Greece, I was so stressed out beforehand that I was wondering whether it was even worth going! But once the plane’s wheels left the tarmac, I was so excited. And Greece was awesome.
What can I say, I’m weird. But the Machu Picchu exhibit got me excited before I’m even on the plane, which is a good thing, I think.
Last night Jo had a cookout at her apartment pool, and it was tons of fun. We played volleyball, and then when it got hot, we took to the pool for some Ultimate Pool Frisbee. I scored all four goals for my team, and today the skin on the bottom of my toes is all peeling off as a result of trying to get traction on the concrete pool bottom last night. But it was very fun. And tiring! Water polo players must be in very good shape.
Ah well, back to JAVA.
ha, i totally get how you feel about leaving the country. i’m the same way. or even going to alaska has the same effect.
JAVA…eww…what a silly language, who’d wanna use that!