I finished my JAVA exercises for chapter two almost an hour ago, and yet other people in the class are still working on them. Curses on people who didn’t grow up using a computer. Curses on no one emailing me to give me something to do. I guess I’ll start on the next chapter. These computer classes are so educational, and yet so inefficient.
I think JSC should start doing two sets of classes if the subject is anything to do with a computer — one class for people under the age of 30 and one class for anyone else. I know that sounds very discriminatory, but I truly believe it would make every computer training class run more smoothly. When it comes to computer-related topics, there is a world of difference in the speed with which people “get it.” In my experience, a person’s ability to understand computers is directly related to whether the person has grown up using computers or not. People who have graduated from college within the last 10 years have a much better, almost instinctive understanding of computers; older colleagues just don’t have the same grasp. There are exceptions, of course, but the exceptions aren’t taking these classes!
It will be interesting to see what things are like when I’m 50, and my kids are doing something that’s second-nature to them but a mystery to me.
Last night I started packing for Peru. The first step was to create a comprehensive list of everything I need to pack, and where I need to pack it. I consulted lists from Jen, Becca, and the trail guide and made three separate lists. First, there’s the list of what I need for the Inca Trail — camping clothes, water filter, hiking boots, etc — that all goes in big pack. Then there’s the list of what I need for the time in Cusco and Lima — nicer clothes, a swimsuit — that goes into the extra space in my enormous duffel bag (the big pack fits into the duffel bag for the plane flight, then I take the pack on the trail while the duffel stays in Cusco). Then finally there’s the list of what I need with me at all times — wallet, camera, sunglasses, book, etc — that all goes into my daypack. Whew. I know that I’m obsessing way too much about my packing list, but it makes me feel so much better to have a really good list. After making my huge list, I’m feeling less anxious about the whole trip.
I am so weird. Yup.
wish i could go to peru.
I’m 54, completely computer/web design self thaught. I ,like you, had the impression that anyone under the age of 30 would be much more computer profecient than I could ever hope to catch up with. However, I was sadly mistaken. I’m constantly amazed at the lack of skills in the “younger” folks I try to teach.
Have fun in Peru.
peru, geez…i would just like to get out of georgia…the closest i have gotten out of georgia in the past year was waycross…still didn’t make it to the fla border…have fun for me!
I have read some interesting articles along similar lines. Digital Natives vs. Digital immigrants. I find it interesting too.
Woohoo – go Java!