Take the blog survey. It’s fun and exciting! My favorite question was the one about how many other people you’ve influenced to start a blog. For me, it’s pretty much everyone listed on the right side of this page. Boosts my ego.
Jo and I went for much-needed pedicures last night. I am now the only one out of four of us that has not been encouraged to get my eyebrows waxed. I figure this either means that my eyebrows are so bad that they are beyond help, or that they are beautiful just the way they are. I’m going to stick with the latter explanation! In any case, I decided to go with pink polish last night instead of my usual red, so my toes look even more girly than usual. In case anyone was wondering.
If it’s not obvious by this point that I don’t have much to say today, you’re not paying attention.
Other people have more exciting news though. Carter is buying a condo, and I might actually be more excited about it than he is…though it seems that his lack of outward excitement is mostly due to an aversion to having to move stuff (which I completely understand). If I were looking for a place in Atlanta, this one would be perfect. The layout is nice on the inside, and unique. It’s in a nice quiet neighborhood next to the river, surrounded by Chattahoochee forest with great trails and stuff. Location, location, location. Plus the current owner is his uncle who is giving him a great deal.